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My Two Camera Month Project - #7, November 2021: Fomapan 400 ASA Film, AGFA Silette LK & AKA Akarette

Each month for a year I will use one pair of cameras, then next month switch to another pair. They are all fixed-lens compact cameras. I will use the same film stock in both cameras. Each month I will share my impressions from using the cameras, while showing the photographs I make.

Part #7: November 2021

Film type: Fomapan 400 ASA exposed at 1600.

The first camera is the AGFA Silette LK

There's not much to say. There is full manual control of everything needed to make a photograph. Plus a selenium lightmeter which works just fine, as it turns out. This camera I have not used before. I did use a sibling a year before - a similar model, but with automatic exposure.

Next up:

AKA Akarette

This is actually where I diverge from my own simple set of rules. The Akarette is a system camera. There are at least a 45, a 50 and a 75 mm lens for it. I have used a 50 mm Schneider-Kreuznach in the past, but here I used my 45 mm S-K.

Why did I diverge? I only own the 45 lens and the camera has very similar specs to the fixed-lens ones included in this project. Apart from having the focal length in common with the other cameras, also all the controls are situated on the lens body; shutter, aperture, focusing.

The Film

My preferred film, because it is fast, and develops well in caffenol. I exposed it at 1600 ASA to obtain stronger contrasts.

The photos

I overdeveloped both films, resulting in very dark negatives. I have not succeeded in extracting any satisfactory photos.

In conclusion

Don't overdevelop negs.

I do love making photographs with these cameras, and will try again...

Visit my Etsy shop for cameras and related stuff, the facebook group on modding lenses and cameras or my Instagram account ourbooksmalmo.


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