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Blisters and Beans

My stuff spilling out on the floor, after coming home from an exhausting 24 hour Stockholm Fotomaraton.

As I wrote in the last post, I've spent the week-end in Stockholm. The competition, which ran from 12 o'clock noon on Saturday to 12 noon Sunday, comprises of six four-hour sections. At the start of each you need to pick up the next four subjects. It is more like a relay competition with you as the only 'runner'.

At 10:06 AM I left my quarters to go to the gathering place in a park in the Kungsholmen area.

My estimation is that almost 300 people participated, with something like a 50/50 male/female quota.

Getting the first four assignments!

These are all 24 subjects.

Spending som much time in this beautiful city couldn't have me all the time concentrated on the subjects. So what follows is a bunch of "Impressions from the Capital". I'm of course not allowed to post any of my competing pictures.

None of the pictures are post-processed. All are taken with my Fujifilm X-Pro1 using either a 42 mm or a 75 mm lens. I'm sorry about the amount of pictures. I'm bad at editing myself.

At nine PM a proper marathon was beginning. That was an exciting event to try to cover!


Morning has broken... Resting my feet after running to get to the four-o'clock pit stop and four new assignments.

Stockholm dawn.

This one's reached his last pit-stop.

This was the last of the competition-related pictures. After taking this I wandered to KTH/Technical University area to hand over the 24 pictures (digitally speaking) and receive a diploma.


This is my go-to place in Stockholm. Brunos Bildverkstad is situated in Gamla Stan/Old Town and stocks a lot of analog stuff, along with digital. Lots of different film types and Polaroid stuff.

That's it! I'm keen to try again next year. I'll check out the Maraton website for updates.


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