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Rus et Crux

That which you see above is my Fed-2 camera lying on the table top flanked by my leather bag projects. I've been really slow making pictures with the camera resulting in a roll of film that's been loaded for close to a year and a half, if not more. The last time I used the Fed properly was when making photowalks in Gothenburg while living in the small city Lysekil some 150 km away.
  At the moment the camera sports a 38 mm lens and a 35 mm accessory viewfinder. The finder is there to give an approximate indication of the field of view captured on film. A lens with a focal range of 38 mm is not common at all for 35 mm cameras. And this lens is actually not intended for this type of camera. On my Instagram (#ourbooksmalmo) you may have seen images taken with my Fujifilm XE-1 fitted with a modded Schneider-Kreuznach Xenon lens. And this is that same lens.
  The pictures will be exposed in their full 38 mm frame on the Fed, and not on a half-frame sensor with the equivalent of 57 mm field of view like on the XE. There is another interesting angle, too. The lens is intended to expose entirely square pictures with an Instamatic camera.
  You can read more about my modding process in my guest post on the photography blog And I will get back on this blog on the topic of how the Instamatic lens exposes on 35 mm format when I've finished the roll of Fomapan.

Welcome to my Instagrams: #flashknappen #ourbooksmalmo #getourart
and the Etsy shop getOurBooks filled with old cameras and their accessories.


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