Hello XA! The little Olympus is the camera that I've used the most over the years. It was the one that re-ignited my passion for controlled photography using a bit more advanced cameras after a decade-long foray with single-use cameras and the like.
Film Washi S
It's a strong contrast film originally intended to be used to optically record sound for film production. Being strong in contrast reduces its tonal range which makes exposing it with a clear head and a working light meter (i e the XA) imperative.
The choice of film
Why did I choose to present this film?
Well, the film is very dependent on consistent exposures. The leeway is small - you can easily blow the highlights if you're not careful.
But also, when exposed in a non-problematic environment the amount of detail and tones are wonderful to behold.
The lack of leeway can of course be used to bring out strong effects that wouldn't come about with a more forgiving film stock that would 'snub' the peaks of shine or darkest of shades.
I love the deep blacks of the Washi film.
As you maybe can tell the majority of these photos are from the same outing with family and friends. The amount of keepers from this roll is hard to beat! That is due to the reliability of the Olympus XA and the wonderful qualities of the Washi film.
Visit my Etsy shop for cameras and related stuff, the facebook group on modding lenses and cameras or my Instagram account ourbooksmalmo.
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